Tag Archives: tournament

IPL ShootMania @PAX qualifiers!

IGN Sports League is now officially supporting ShootMania in the US!

They are currently streaming ShootMania PAX Qualifiers on their IPL site. Next live stream starts tomorrow @5pm Pacific Time http://www.ign.com/ipl

They also have a dedicated ShootMania page: http://shootmania.ign.com/

There is a current Beta key giveaway on their site: http://www.ign.com/prime/promo/iplshootmania

Here is the latest recap of the first round of qualifiers that happened yesterday in case you missed it! http://www.ign.com/ipl/all/news/alphamales-b2g-and-elephant-move-on-in-pax-shootmania-qualifier/

PAX Prime ShootMania Map Making Competition starts today!

Competition ShootMania Maps requested for PAX !  Get a chance to be sent to PAX to present your selfmade map and see pro-players fight on it!

You have awesome maps ideas in mind you’d like to create for ShootMania? You want to see pro-shooters players running around your map while at PAX? Then, this competition is made for you! Send your map and join the ShootMania event @PAX!

WHat are the requirements for your Maps?

Competition Maps:

  • maps have to be correctly validated
  • name: “PAX-‘name'” use what you want for ‘name’
  • no special characters in the map name
  • modes: Siege, Elite, Battle, Heroes, and SpeedBall
  • the maps are not uploaded anywhere
  • Intros & Outros are forbidden
  • the maps were not used in any competition
  • the maps are just known by yourself

Send the maps to the following email address: shootmania@ubisoft.com (email will be accessible beginning of next week)
Please use the following style for your mail subject “Maps – PAX – *your nickname*” and specify in the email your first name, last name and city you live in, else your mail may be missed.

Full rules can be found here: http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13344

ShootMania at GamesCom 2012

From 15th to 19th, ShootMania Storm will be at Gamescom in Köln (Germany), the world’s largest traid fair and event high light for interactive games and entertainment.


On August 15th, ShootMania will be part of Ubisoft press conference dedicated to online and esport line up.

During this conference, 2 top teams will play a showmatch on ShootMania Storm Elite mode, which will be shoutcasted by the famous Joe Miller.

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Op3n Shootmania GamesCom tournament: Last Chance Qualifier!

As we said in the previous news, the online qualifiers are finally over ! Now, we know the name of the first 4 teams that will participate at the Op3n ShootMania finals at the Gamescom, which will be held the 17th August.

Four other teams will have a chance to join our already qualified teams for the finals on August, 17th.

So if you have not been given the opportunity to participate in our on-line qualifiers or if you were simply unlucky, you still have a chance to qualify your team for the finals by participating in the final qualifier which will be held Thursday, 16th August at the Gamescom.

This last qualifier will only include 16 teams. The best four of them win their place for the finals, which are going to be held the next day.

So, if you have the opportunity to go to Cologne and if you want to register your team for this “last chance” qualifier, here is how we will proceed:

8 teams will be selected by ESL & Nadeo according to various criteria, the results obtained during the four qualifiers. They will be contacted shortly.

8 other teams will be selected via a random drawing which will be held Friday, 10th August. Of course, if you want to give your team a chance to be selected, you must register.

Register your team for the random drawing here!

The signup will be close Friday 10th of August, at 15.00 CEST.

See you this Friday, to find out the names of the 16 teams who are going to participate in the Qualifier on August 16th at the Gamescom!

Source: ESL

The qualifiers for the Op3n ShootMania GamesCom tournament are…

Hello everyone,

Qualifying for the Op3n ShootMania tournament has been very competitive towards the end of last week, but now it’s over. It’s time to reveal you the teams who have successfully gained a place in the tournament.

  • Millenium (Strenx, aKm, theK1ng)

  • colwn (Stermy, Winz, link1n)

  • Dignitas (Zaccubus, Kowa, GaRpY, nvc)

  • redWave (OuTrag3, Kryw, XSOO)

With these teams competing we can guarantee the level of the competition will be very high! Though the qualifications for the Op3n are not completely over, there will be one last chance at GamesCom, before the final phase of the tournament.

The final qualification phase will allow four more teams to compete in the Op3n ShootMania GamesCom tournament which will take place during the event.Be prepared to follow the rest of the competition during GamesCom, it’s gearing up to be a great show! GamesCom will be held from 16th to 19th August. We hope to see you at the Ubisoft and ESL booths!

The Op3n ShootMania GamesCom is announced!

ShootMania will be at Gamescom from the 16th to the 19th of August, with a European-wide tournament organized by the ESL boasting a prize pool of up to 8000€ !

From the 24th to the 31rst of July, European teams are able to register to the Op3n ShootMania Gamescom tournament on www.shootmania.com/esl. The first 4 qualification phases will take place online during 4 days between the 31st and 3rd of August, and the winning team of each phase will be qualified for the finals taking place on the 17th of August at the Gamescom show in Cologne, Germany. A last qualification phase will take place on site on the 16th of August, allowing 4 more teams to take part in the tournament.

All qualification phases will be broadcasted online and shoutcasted by Joe Miller from the ESL TV as well as the finals who will be livestreamed, allowing everyone to take part in the event.

Visitors at Gamescom will be able to discover ShootMania and and challenge pro-gamers on the ESL and Ubisoft booth throughout the show. More information on the Op3n ShootMania Gamescom 2012 can be found on www.shootmania.com/esl

Talk about it on the forum.

ShootMania Storm at the DreamHack Summer

Hello everyone !

You have not heard the last from us on the FPS eSport scene! We are happy to announce that ShootMania Storm will be present at DreamHack Summer this year!

For this special occasion, we have decided to offer everyone attending DreamHack an alpha access and invite them to participate in a ShootMania Joust mode tournament.

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Final of the E3 Twitch.tv tournament and E3 is coming!

Hello everyone,

After yesterday’s heated competition on Twitch.tv, there are two victorious teams – “Mercenary Ops” and “Team YouTube Money“. Both teams have won tickets to the finals at E3 to compete!

These teams will have the privilege to play in the finals at E3 at the Ubisoft booth on June 6th at 11.00am PST (6.00pm GMT).

As we mentioned in a previous news post, there will be an exclusive showmatch between pro-gaming stars during the official Ubisoft E3 Press Conference on June 4th at 3.00pm PST (10.00pm GMT) on the Ubisoft Youtube channel.

And finally a live interview with Edouard Beauchemin (MrBob) will take place on Twitch.tv on 5th June at 12.00am PST (7.00pm GMT)

So it’s a great agenda for E3 and we hope that you’re ready to follow it!

As always talk about it on the forum.

Opening of the ticket booth for SOPA Lan and one surprise

Hi everyone,

Now that the tournament is full for SOPA Lan (you can check out the attendees list on this link, there is big level : http://sopa-lan.fr/etape/paris/participants), the SNGT and Esport Université announce that the ticket booth for visitors is now avalaible on their website : http://sopa-lan.fr/page/billetterie-visiteurs

I recommend you to hurry up if you wish to have places because there will not be enough places for everyone.

But that’s not all because they have asked to 5 present personnalities to play a little game by filling the blanks of a text :

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