Author Archives: cerovan

IPL5 $$100,000 Tournament latest Update!

IPL5 schedule gets a little twist this week!

Round of 32, Round of 16 and Round of 8 will all be played tonight for the 3rd NA Qualifier @6pm PDT on IPLShootMania. Semi-finals and Finales will happen tomorrow @6pm PDT. Target Practice will take place on Wednesday, just for this week. Community Night will be Thursday as usual hosted by GoldenBoyFTW.

Here is a video presentation of Alex Mendez, alias GoldenBoyFTW.

Make sure to check out all past tournaments and the latest rundown on  IPL Youtube Channel.

Play ShootMania!

ManiaPlanet at the Paris Games Week


Here is a list of the streams available  for each competition of the Paris Games Week on ManiaPlanet games:


Livestreamed here:

  • Thursday – 2:30pm to 4:00pm (CET): ShootMania ESWC French Finale
  • Friday – 1:00pm to 2:15pm (CET): ShootMania ESWC International
  • Friday – 2:30pm (CET): Nadeo Conference
  • Friday – 3:00pm to 3:45pm (CET): Trackmania² Canyon International ESWC Finale
  • Saturday – 12:00pm to 12:45pm (CET): TrackMania Nations ESWC International Finale
  • Saturday – 2:30pm to 4:00pm (CET): ShootMania ESWC International Finale


French Stream:

English Stream:

  • Friday 9:30am to 11:30am (CET)
  • Friday 12:30pm to 2:30pm (CET)
  • Friday 5:30pm to 7:30pm (CET)
  • Saturday 11:00am to 1:00pm (CET)

ShootMania Storm – CDiscount Tournament (Siege 5v5)

Livestream (with cast in French) and times:

Have fun watching the streams!

Hello everyone,

Paris Games Week and the ESWC tournament begins tomorrow evening! A showmatch of ShootMania Storm will be played between the French teams WebOne and ImGSupSon, starting at 9.15pm CET.

It’s a global event, and all the matches on the ESWC stage will be casted in English and in German by Tim “Donathan” Krause and Soe “Soe” Gschwind.
Check them out on the ESWC website :

The TrackMania² Canyon finals will take place on November 2nd at 3pm CET and the TrackMania Nation Forever Grand Finals on November 3rd at 11.30am. The ShootMania Storm Grand Finals will take place on November 3rd at 3pm CET.

Have fun and enjoy the show!

IPL5 $$100,000 Tournament Update!

There has been a ton of US/EU exciting matches happening in the last few weeks on ShootMania! We already know nearly half of the teams that will be competing over at IPL5 in Las Vegas in one month to maybe win $100,000!

Check out the qualifiers’ rundowns up until now: US Qualifier 1EU Qualifier 1EU Qualifier 2

The current fourth qualifier is happening this week. You can tune in Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5pm PDT  to follow the rounds at IPLShootMania.

You can find all info about the tournament itself to participate or just watch on IPL.

Tonight, tune in for Target Practice Episode 4 by AskJoshy at 6pm PDT on Twitch.TV:

Long live ShootMania!


Check out Target Practice Episode 3!

AskJoshy is now hosting his weekly ShootMania show every Tuesday night at 6pm PDT on Twitch.TV:

Don’t miss Target Practice Episode 3 that went live yesterday. AskJoshy is playing with a bunch of different pro-players:






An European ShootMania Storm Siege tournament at the Paris Games Week!

ShootMania Storm will have its first European tournament on Siege, featuring a prize pool of €10,000! One qualifier, two chances to go to Paris during the biggest video games trade fair: Paris Games Week.

The two best European teams should qualify trough the EU Qualifier. The top2 will be directly qualify for the European finals, Friday 2nd of November. They will face there the two best french teams !

During the first two days of Paris Games Week, eight french teams will try to qualify for the European finals !

You can already register for the EU Qualifier which will start Saturday 20th October, directly from the ESL website at this address:

For more information please check the ESL webpage about the tournament.


Swiss riding the Alps!

Hello everyone and particularly our Swiss friends,

As you might of guessed, the TrackMania² Canyon monthly car skin will be for players of the country known for its neutrality, Switzerland!As usual, you’ll find with the skin a sticker pack and the monthly calendar at the ManiaPlanet Store for free.

Enjoy your new car and see you the next month for a next one 😉