Tag Archives: competition

NitroGuy wins the Map Contest for PAX!

Congratulations to all participants for their proposed maps. We had a lot of good content to review from!

Here is the map making contest winner:

NitroGuy with his Elite map : “Rockets and rails”. He’ll come over @PAX to talk about his map and how he made it!

Runners up are below: Thanks for your contribution! Your names will definitively be cited while at PAX in front of the crowd at the Ubisoft booth.


IPL ShootMania @PAX qualifiers!

IGN Sports League is now officially supporting ShootMania in the US!

They are currently streaming ShootMania PAX Qualifiers on their IPL site. Next live stream starts tomorrow @5pm Pacific Time http://www.ign.com/ipl

They also have a dedicated ShootMania page: http://shootmania.ign.com/

There is a current Beta key giveaway on their site: http://www.ign.com/prime/promo/iplshootmania

Here is the latest recap of the first round of qualifiers that happened yesterday in case you missed it! http://www.ign.com/ipl/all/news/alphamales-b2g-and-elephant-move-on-in-pax-shootmania-qualifier/

PAX Prime ShootMania Map Making Competition starts today!

Competition ShootMania Maps requested for PAX !  Get a chance to be sent to PAX to present your selfmade map and see pro-players fight on it!

You have awesome maps ideas in mind you’d like to create for ShootMania? You want to see pro-shooters players running around your map while at PAX? Then, this competition is made for you! Send your map and join the ShootMania event @PAX!

WHat are the requirements for your Maps?

Competition Maps:

  • maps have to be correctly validated
  • name: “PAX-‘name'” use what you want for ‘name’
  • no special characters in the map name
  • modes: Siege, Elite, Battle, Heroes, and SpeedBall
  • the maps are not uploaded anywhere
  • Intros & Outros are forbidden
  • the maps were not used in any competition
  • the maps are just known by yourself

Send the maps to the following email address: shootmania@ubisoft.com (email will be accessible beginning of next week)
Please use the following style for your mail subject “Maps – PAX – *your nickname*” and specify in the email your first name, last name and city you live in, else your mail may be missed.

Full rules can be found here: http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13344

Show your level at the Zotac Cup

Hello everyone,

Do you wish to show your level in TrackMania² Canyon? We invite you to register to the Zotac Cup which occurs each week-end and allows to win 100€ if you arrive first.

The next session will start tomorrow at 2pm CET and so it let you until tomorrow to register.

Good luck to all participants.

As always feel free to talk about it on the forum. Happy driving!