Hello everyone,
This is this saturday that the Cyberathlete Summit, featuring ShootMania Storm for its first edition, will take place at the Espace Pierre Cardin at Paris. This event gathering most of the best FPS players of the world will confront each other on the ShootMania Storm Elite Mode (3vs3).
The teams will be:
For the 3 internationals teams:
Kevin “strenx” Baeza (France)
Maciej “av3k” Krzykowski (Poland)
Alexey “Cypher” Yanushevsky (Byelorussia)
3 Old Men
Pelle “fazz” Söderman (Sweden)
Magnus “fox” Olsson (Sweden)
Richard “noctis” Gansterer (Austria)
Mercenary Ops (Winners of the Ubisoft tournament at E3)
Erik “Da Bears” Stromberg (USA)
Mark “Masternook” Torrez (USA)
Shaun “HST” Catron (USA)
And the 3 french teams are:
COLWN (Winners of the SOPA tournament)
Pierre-Emeric “l1nkin” Portier (France)
Michael “winz” Bignet (France)
Alessandro “Stermy” Avallone (Italy)
adK (Winner of the EsportFrance tournament, Finalists of the SOPA tournament)
Dylan “aKm” Bignet (France)
Philippe “lanf3ust” Rivain (France)
Jonathan “Kryw” Nobre (France)
Michael “HaRts” Zanatta (France)
Emmanuel “MoMaN” Marquez (France)
Benjamin “drizzer” Charnet (France)
But this isn’t over because the planning of the matches is known. For the afternoon session from 2.00pm (CEST):
For the evening session starting at 8.00pm (CEST):
The matches wil be all in Best Of 5 (3 maps to win a match) and the maps played during the competition will be:
- Archways
- Collided
- CrossRoads
- SolarFlare
- TheCastle
Here is a presentation of the maps:
Finally we are happy to announce that each spectator of the Cyberathlete Summit presents to the event will receive a ShootMania Storm Alpha key.
So don’t delay to buy one the few remaining places on the ticket booth at the following address: http://www.amiando.com/cybsum.html
See you saturday to the Cybsum!
Feel free to talk about it on the forum.